Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Music and Breakups

So lately i have been thinking about how music means different things to us during different times of our lives. I love music and when i'm happy there are certain bands i like to listen to whereas when i'm sad there is a whole other list of bands i find myself drawn too. Somehow the lyrics speak to me on a level i don't recognize when i'm in my happy place. Recently I had to separate myself from someone i became close to over the last year and half. it feels like something died inside of me and i have this feeling of nothingness at times. When i'm sad i listen to music almost with a different ear. What's on rotation on the ipod these days? Aqualung, james morrison, travis, paolo nutini, and coldplay. Coldplay's Shiver seems to be mirroring my inner thoughts lately as does Last Request and Rewind by Mr. Nutini. I actually saw Travis in concert last week, they were so brilliant and I was so excited to see them after so many years of listening to them. Too bad they will forever be marred by the numbness and shock that i felt the rest of the evening. Somehow I am still able to listen to them and remember the greatness of the live performance however even the happy songs like My Eyes are tinted with sadness. If you haven't discovered the greatness of this band you should listen to them http://www.travisonline.com/. My entries won't always be so depressing and i'm sure no one is really reading this, but i will strive to post more uplifting musings in the future. The silver lining in all the clouds that have recently taken over my life is that there are several concerts coming that should be great shows. And congratulations to my good friend Ramona who is now a new mommy! See the baby at http://www.ramonat.com/.

1 comment:

Roshni said...

yay! we're blog buddies! p.s. take a look at lunch buddies on roshbosh!